Justice Studio is working with London Councils to conduct four focus groups as part of their ‘County Lines and Modern Slavery Polling’ project, which will be evaluating the impact of communications and messaging on people’s perceptions of county lines and modern slavery.


The objective of these focus group discussions is to assess and test understanding of issues such as county lines and modern slavery, and to understand and test the messaging penetration and perception of such topics. Ideally, this will help to develop a roadmap with the goal of changing the public’s behaviour on drug use and it will help to reduce the harm caused to young Londoners involved in county lines.

Who should participate?

Our core target demographic for these focus groups are working professionals in the City. There are no other demographic or socio-economic restrictions for participants. If you meet this criterion and are interested to contribute to this important project, we would love to hear from you!

What’s in it for you?

Your participation will be highly valuable in terms of influencing future messaging on this topic. The focus group will take no longer than 90 minutes and light refreshments will be included as a small token of our appreciation for your time! It is a unique opportunity for you to learn more about the issue, be able to give back to society in Greater London and to engage and highlight the role communities can play in helping to protect young Londoners and save lives.

We will also be acknowledging/recognising corporate participants within the public report, which will be published by London Councils. The report will be shared and distributed widely and could be a great opportunity for your organisation to show your commitment to improving the lives of young Londoners. If you think your company could be interested to support initiative, please do get in touch.

What will the discussion be about?

Questions around the following themes will be discussed during the focus group:

  • Understanding of definitions of issues including county lines and modern slavery
  • Testing awareness of narratives and public messaging on these issues
  • Testing awareness of relationships between county lines and other forms of criminal activity
  • Understanding of connectivity and messaging channels, perceptions, what resonates with the public and what doesn’t
  • Reactions to information and discussion on behavioural change

Where and when will they take place?

The focus groups will be taking place at London Councils’ offices in London Bridge (59½ Southwark Street, London SE1 0AL).

For corporate participants, we could also host the focus groups at your office for the convenience of your employees.

We plan to hold the final focus group on Monday 28th October between 18:00-19:30.

How to get in touch

If you are able to participate at any point, share this with your colleagues/network or just want further information on the project, please don’t hesitate to Claire on claire@justicestudio.org; 44 (0) 7889257854.